The Project
The Gleneden Post-War Design Archive
A look at some of the designs that can be found in the collection
The Gleneden Post-War Design Archive is a collection of painted textile design sheets originally produced to aid the production of jacquard woven cloth
The mill from which the collection got its name
Gleneden's journey from Carlisle to Huddersfield.
The a/r/tographic engagement
New works made in response to Gleneden or made as part of a living inquiry into textiles, art and design
By engaging with the archive as part of a personal artistic practice, as research, and as an aid to teaching, Gleneden has helped create new knowledge through practice-based research. These works included pieces made by individuals as well as through co-creation and collaboration
All responses are welcome as designs are created collectively
Works in this section are constructed from elements produced by numerous people at various points in time. Contributions were sought during workshops and events in real-life and online. After each session the work was collected and saved ready to be transformed into a co-created image or design.
Works emerging from the a/r/tographic engagement.
Gleneden may contain a finite amount of design sheets but through activating its contents and engaging with it a/r/tographically a second archive has emerged.
This archive may continue to expand as long as opportunities for encounters with it arise.
Take a look inside and get in contact if you have created new work inspired by designs from Gleneden that you would like to be considered for inclusion.
Increasing public awareness and inspiring community engagement is a key goal of this project.
Exhibits, workshops, and events have been held at various venues in Huddersfield including The Tolson Memorial Museum, The Lawrence Batley Theatre, The Richard Steinitz Building, and Temporary Contemporary.
These showcases have included photographs of archive materials, textiles, wallpaper, drawing, printmaking, video and sound. If you are interested in hosting an exhibition, contributing new work inspired by Gleneden or collaborating in a future project, please get in contact