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The patterns in Gleneden await activation. They were drawn to be translated into jacquard woven cloth but how else can they be used? What other products, artworks or projects can they inspire? Exhibitions have showcased some of these results and  have become venues for the co-creative production of new works that can be turned into exhibits at future events.


Photography, Drawing, Wallpaper, Textiles, Print, Collaboration and Co-Creation

This project has been designed to work on various levels. Exhibitions provide an opportunity to engage with local communities to bring the designs of Gleneden to a wider audience. New works can be made during workshops held as part of each event. The process of making a drawing provides the chance to talk to the people engaged with drawing. What do they think about the work? Do the patterns make them think of a particular place or time? What are their feelings about drawing? Have they ever had or would they consider a career in Textiles? 

The original Gleneden design sheets are reasonably large and require delicate handling. The photographs taken and the textiles, wallpapers, prints and posters produced from them are convenient to transport and display allowing for exhibitions to be installed at short notice for brief periods.

The photographs were originally taken to aid workshops and to inform practice based research. These exhibitions have shown that there is an audience interested in these designs who would not easily have access to them. It is hoped that this website will expand the reach of Gleneden, inspiring new works, exhibitions and events.

Textiles Made in Huddersfield. Part of Cultures of Place, 2022

A Weaver's Work at The Tolson Memorial Museum, Huddersfield, 2018

Culture Community Creativity Conference, Laurence Batley Theatre, 2018

Textiles on Toast, Toast House, Huddersfield, 2023. Year 1 Textiles students respond to Gleneden

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